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The documentary ‘Still on the move’ to be screened at La Sapienza University

The documentary “Still on the move,” which is about the Rabari nomads of Gujarat, is part of a project on nomadism in the 21st century by anthropologist Elena Dak and photographer and videomaker Bruno Zanzottera. It has been selected for “MAV 2024: Materials of Visual Anthropology – For the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Diego Carpitella,” aconference and mini-film festival which is being organized by La Sapienza University in Rome.

The meeting dedicated to “Still on the move” (“Ancora in cammino”) will be held at 5 p.m on September 19. It is part of the selection of films that will be shown from September 18 to 20 at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, at the “Giorgio Levi Della Vida” aula magna (main lecture hall) Ex Vetrerie Sciarra, Via dei Volsci 122, Rome.