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Quality Policy

Parallelozero: telling great stories for over twenty years.

Our mission is to turn creative ideas and insights into great visual content for both traditional publishing and digital corporate communication.

To our agency, complying with quality principles means working tirelessly, at all levels, to continuously improve our in-house processes, in order to guarantee our services meet our clients’ requirements as well as their increasingly high expectations.

Parallelozero has always prioritised providing quality services through: 

  • The professionalism of its collaborators
  • A lean, flexible organisational structure
  • Absolute flexibility in meeting the specific needs of each client
  • Innovative tools for digital communication and narrative strategy

Parallelozero’s Quality Management System is based on the analysis of internal and external factors that might actively or passively influence the agency’s activities. We are committed to understanding the needs and expectations of all relevant stakeholders, and to setting quality objectives that take into consideration company requirements and are compatible with the context in which the agency operates.

Within this framework, Parallelozero’s strategy is to define a quality policy that aims, through the creation of a UNI EN ISO 9001-compliant QMS, to achieve the following objectives:  

  • Guarantee clients that all services are tailored around and suited to their specific needs;
  • Guarantee an approach focused on the prevention of problems and continual improvement;
  • Develop the evaluation of actions’ results and outcomes with an aim to verify effectiveness from a client perspective.

These goals are pursued by drafting appropriate plans, which are constantly monitored to verify that the expected results are delivered; the plans also define specific activities, responsibilities and timelines for each objective. Management has made a formal commitment to making the quality policy available to all interested stakeholders and to ensuring it is understood, spread, implemented and supported by all collaborators. This is achieved through continuous evaluation of the system, by regularly reviewing quality indicators. Finally, Management periodically reviews our quality policy to guarantee it remains coherent with and adequate for both in-house and market needs.