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“Gigawhat?”: energy for Gen Z

Telling current issues to the younger generation with accessible, engaging, lively language and a positive tone of voice. This is the challenge issued by Enel Green Power, the world’s leading renewable energy company, to bring Generation Z closer to the issues of energy transition, sustainable development and climate change.


A vibrant and fun space

Starting with the concept and design, a new website was created where content is accompanied by impactful graphics and multimedia products. A new reality designed to keep teenagers and young people up-to-date on some of the most important current issues, with a popular and non-self-referential style.

Content and articles have been divided into three macro-fields: climate change, sustainable development and energy. A living space, which is refreshed periodically with new SEO oriented texts touching on topics of interest, with a light and positive tone of voice.


Sustainable living is definitely an issue close to the hearts of today’s youth. For this reason, a video-format was created to tell – with fun graphics and approach – how to become more sustainable starting with some daily behaviors and small gestures.

Again to provide room for fresh and engaging video content, Gigawhat? also devotes a space to the world of recruiting and green jobs, jokingly interviewing those who work in the energy field.


Careful attention to graphics is a hallmark of Gigawhat? to attract the audience’s attention: impactful colors, faces and lettering are a constant.


Sparkling podcasts

A space is also dedicated to podcasting, with a series created and recorded by writer Francesca Cavallo, author of the bestseller “Bedtime Stories for Rebellious Little Girls.” The podcasts are a journey through the fascinating places where one of the most precious resources we have is produced: energy. “Scintille” (Sparks) traces in six episodes the historical evolution that power generation has gone through, arriving at a present in which doing it sustainably has become urgent to save the Planet.

Gigawhat? is “the space for those with lots of questions,” and we had fun giving a bunch of simple and playful answers to Generation Z.

Parallelozero credits

Web design
Web management
Article and content writing
Graphics and infographics
Motion graphics
Video production and post-production

In collaboration with:
Francesca Cavallo and Undercats

An organic approach to communication

Our method is based on an integrated model that takes full advantage of new technologies and data analytics, enabling us to manage all phases of multi-channel and cross-media digital communication, meeting any storytelling needs for national and international brands, publishers, media companies and institutions.